My tomato and pepper starts extend their leaves to the window; reaching for the sun. They know what they need. Everything needs the sun. There is nothing that can survive without it. Have you ever stopped to contemplate it? Really think about it. The earth is perfect distance from the sun. Any closer and the earth would burn, any farther and the earth would freeze. It's perfect. It seems strange that anyone would think it an accident.
How could something so life-giving be placed in the sky by accident? It's one of those things that has to happen correctly the first time. Life is dependent on it. Move the sun any distance, and you sabotage life.
I look at things around me and notice the details of a grand design. Have you ever laid down in the grass and studied it? Look at the intricacies of everything beneath it. It's complex. There are many happy bugs that call it home.
Have you ever grown a garden from seeds? Have you watched how that little seed when given water, good soil and sunshine grows into something amazing. One small seed creates a beautiful tomato plant, another a 100lb pumpkin and yet another an amazing flower. They all harbor their own DNA of sorts. They're all programmed differently. To grow something beautiful with unique possibilities. Is this all an accident? Really?
The Bombardier Beetle harbors two chemicals in its body. When scared, it mixes those two chemicals in correct proportion and shoots fire (to detour enemies). This beetle defies evolution. Any incorrect chemical combinations and this beetle would self-destruct, leaving a dead beetle. Dead beetles don't evolve. This beetle had to get it right the first had to have been created correctly. Created. There was no evolving this guy.
I do a lot of thinking. There is just no way all these amazing creations and processes happened by chance. I took statistics in college. Multiply the chances of the sun landing perfect distance from the earth by the chances that seeds evolved their ability to grow amazing works of art. Multiply that by the chances that those same seeds grow life sustaining food for man. Man, whose system is so complex scientists have yet to understand how everything works. Multiply that by the chances that Bombardier beetles evolved despite self destruction. Statistically it's nearly impossible.
If the earth were a painting, could you expect it to be painted by anything less than an artist? We all know that paintbrushes don't paint without a hand guiding them. How could we expect the intricacies of life, the amazing intricacies, to be any different. Really. My statistical mind grasps the idea of creation so much easier than that of evolution. Evolution just doesn't make sense. Evolution also tells me I was created without a purpose. I just happened, and grandma was a monkey. I choose not to believe that however.
I was created on purpose, with a purpose. I am loved. I serve a God that not only created me, he created my world. He painted a backdrop of beauty for me to enjoy. He created YOU. YOU carry the fingerprints of God. YOU were created with a purpose, and YOU were created on purpose. YOU are loved. There is nothing accidental about your life.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.
Psalm 139: 13-16 NIV The Bible
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Our Yard on Third Lane |
Disclaimer: My college degree included many science and math classes. English and grammer have never come easy for me. I ask that you over-look my grammer discrepancies. Thank you! Love you!
ReplyDeleteLove it! I marvel at your words and agree whole heartedly. God is developing in you that English/grammar gift. He uses the weak to confound the wise. Hugs.
ReplyDeleteVery well done, my little thinker! I just watched Ben Stien's movie, "No Intelligence Allowed", which deals with Intelligent Design verses evolution. Individuals who support evolution allow their world view to lead their science research. "Proclaiming themselves to be wise, they became utter fools instead."