Bedtime. The word conjures up many different thoughts and feelings. For Tim and I it means alone, quiet time. A little peace and time to ourselves. It's time to wind down, relax, prepare for the next day. In all honesty, I enjoy this time of day. It's time to myself. Not that I'd ever trade motherhood...Motherhood is one of the reasons God created me. I AM a mom! I LOVE being a mom. But, bedtime is "mommy" time and I need that.
To my kids,"bedtime" is not appreciated. I am not yet sure why "bedtime" is so evil in the eyes of kids. I have a few theories. Activity ceases. They're confined to their beds. It's dark. They are separated from mom and dad...even though its by 40 feet. Well, whatever the reason, bedtime is their least favorite time of day. My energetic kids become suddenly slow. Slow to put on jammies, slow to brush teeth, slow to remember the "routine".... it's all in an effort to prolong or avoid the inevitable: sleep. It happens every night. I don't know why they think its avoidable if they "play things just right".......its never worked. Sleep. It's happened every night of their existence. But....every night they try their best to avoid it....