I was hurt. A wound inflicted. Whether she meant to or not her actions hurt. My first reaction: to lash out, give her a piece of my mind. Why did she do that?
I admit I thought about the incident for quite awhile. Seethed over it...contemplated the words I'd say to her. Making her understand what her words did to me. I was angry. Why do people have to be mean? Do they not understand the power of words?
I am not a lover of confrontation....in fact I tend to run from it. It's something I am not good at. I seethe afterward and its then the words come. They never come at the moment. I make a better pillow than a brick. I am a work in progress.
I've had a lot of chats with God about this. At first, one sided...venting. I am sure He looks at me wondering when I'll ask to see the big picture. I know he hurts when I hurt, but also shakes His head. He's the only one that matters. The thoughts of others are important, but it's only His I need attach my heart to. Why do I forget this? :)
A quiet morning not long after the incident, I heard a quiet voice, "just roll with it." "She is human, a sinner just like you." "How many people have you hurt in your life?" "Do you understand her life circumstances?" "What hurts are bleeding in her heart right now?" "I was there and heard what she said, it wasn't great". "But Candis, you just have to roll with it". "Let it go." "Know that I know." "Justice is important, but more so now, grace." "How can you be a reflection of Me, when you harbor "ungraceful" feelings toward her?" "Ask me to help you because I will". "Forgive her". "ALLOW her to be human".
Mistakes.......that's what Grace is all about.
Oooohhhh, Lord, why can't I remember this stuff? Why do I need so many reminders?? Thank you for the grace you've extended me.
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