Sometimes its hard....cause I can't remember
which shoes are for town, play or snow in December
Shoes are for feet and my feet like to go
to all of the many good places I know
My mom says I cant wear my good shoes outside
but I sometimes forget....and my play shoes hide
So what should I do when my outside kitty beckons me
and my good shoes are the only ones I see?
And while it was kitty I initially saw....
"Well, mom, the mud...I don't know about that at all"
"My play shoes?" Well....I don't know where they are....
I took them off while digging in your car....
I try so hard to keep things straight......
good shoes for town and play shoes for running through the gate
and chasing bugs, digging mud pies and yes, wading the creek.....
but....what do I wear after my play shoes leak?
This really is hard....and I wish I knew
why I can't just wear irrigation boots to church too
So, what am I to do when the world is outside
and I want to be in it and my play shoes hide.
Mom....can I go barefoot....its much more fun....
and far less stressful for everyone. :)